
Hantverkardelen.se makes it quick and easy for you to find craftsmen in your area. People with high-quality and service standards currently use Hantverkardelen.se to find craftsmen and their services in their specific municipality or county.

New Updates

With continuous updates to the business directory, we aim to remain the leading search service for craft-focused business searches.

Our Goal

Our goal is for you, the user, to be directed to only the very best companies in the field you are looking for!

Copy right

This website is provided by QS Group AB. Unless otherwise stated, QS Group AB holds the rights to all material on this website. The material may not be copied, distributed, made available to others, or used for any commercial purpose in any other way without the express permission of QS Group AB. QS Group AB is not responsible and has no obligations for material or access to material on any other website with a link to or from this website. Satellite and aerial photos, as well as maps and map coordinates, are provided by Google.

Hantverkardelen.se is owned by QS Group AB.

Organization number: 556948-3141